Schülermobilität in Banská Bystrica – Mai 2023

Am Samstag, den 13. Mai 2023, trafen sich Studierende aus Almadén, Antwerpen, Augsburg und Sterzing in Bratislava. Nach einer kurzen Besichtigung des Burghofs von Bratislava, wo sie einen beeindruckenden Blick auf den größten Fluss der Slowakei, die größte Wohnsiedlung Mitteleuropas sowie das einzige nachgewiesene UFO genießen konnten, ging es in das historische Zentrum der Hauptstadt Read More …

Preparing the festival of science – student mobility in Banská Bystrica

Visit to the Podlipa research site in Ľubietová, a thorough tour of the mining heaps, preparation of samples of nails, placing samples in water collection containers, a local stream and a pond to observe the cementation process, observation of the vegetation on the heaps, selection of the most suitable research sites, sampling, observation of the Read More …

Für Erasmus+-Gruppen ist der Brüsselbesuch Pflicht

Das deutsche und das slowakische Erasmus+-Team begannen ihre Reise zur Mobilitätswoche in Antwerpen sehr früh am Morgen. Nach dem Transfer vom Flughafen und Bahnhof hatten sie noch viel Zeit, um gemeinsam das Zentrum der EU-Institutionen, Brüssel, zu erkunden. Sie sahen nicht nur den historischen Stadtkern mit dem Grand-Place oder Grote Marks, der von den beeindruckenden Read More …

Public presentation of the Banská Bystrica Geopark

On Wednesday evening, 16 November 2022, some members of the Erasmus+ team at our school attended the public presentation of the Banská Bystrica Geopark at the Hotel Národný dom. Geopark – an interesting word. But what does it actually mean? Simply put – a geopark is an area containing one or more sites that are Read More …

3rd Wandering with a Mining Gnome

Also this school year, the pupils of the fifth grade of Moskovská 2 took full advantage of the last warm autumn days and went with the Erasmus team within the „Jakob Fugger – A historical European influencer“- project to the city centre of Banská Bystrica to look for the „permonik“, the guardian of the mines. Read More …

#Erasmusdays 2022 in Banská Bystrica

This year, the October #Erasmusdays at our school have really messed with the pupils‘ heads – or rather their tongues. Pupils involved in the Erasmus+ project first got acquainted with tricky linguistic phrases in English, German or Flemish and also brushed up on some well-known Slovak ones. Then they competed in teams: four languages – Read More …

Visit to the State Archives of Slovak Republic

In the project Jakob Fugger a historical European influencer for over two years we have been searching for economical, political, medial, social and environmental footprints which had been left by the richest man in the world in our city. Sooner or later, every proper researcher will visit the archives, where the most important written sources Read More …

Ľubietová – biodiversity on the mining heaps

The mountain village of Ľubietová near Banská Bystrica was an important centre of copper and iron ore mining and processing. On Saturday, 18 June, some of the pupils involved in the Erasmus+ project went to the most famous deposit of this area – Podlipa, which lies on the southern slope of the Vysoká hill. The Read More …