Fuggerei Next500 – from 1521 to the future

On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Fuggerei, the Fugger Foundation presented how the Fuggerei can contribute to solving social challenges worldwide in a pavilion on Augsburg’s town hall square. For this purpose, the core ideas were presented in a futuristic pavilion, which was sustainably built from the wood of the Fugger forests near Augsburg. The goal was to connect founders and organizations worldwide with the ideas of the Fuggerei and to implement them as new, similar institutions.

Thanks to the Erasmus+ project at Jakob Fugger Gymnasium, we were able to visit this exhibition pavilion as well. After we got a detailed guided tour to get to know the history of the Fuggerei better, we were allowed to create a sketch of our own idea of how another Fuggerei could look like in the future in groups. In doing so, everyone proceeded according to different priorities: While sustainability played a major role for some, for others it was more important to create a model for different groups of people (e.g. single mothers) in different countries around the world. In summary, it was a very diverse experience and a great first step into the near future. 

presentation of the results

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