On the occasion of the 4th mobility week in Antwerp, the partner schools presented their historical and current connections to Jakob Fugger.
The Fugger-Forum took place on Thursday, 9th of March at 7pm at the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwecollege plus in Antwerp. All the presentations were streamed online to be available in real time for all those who could not attend the event.
On this evening we were very happy to welcome Professor G. Marnef, who spoke about Antwerp in the „Jakob Fugger“ time. He emphasised that thanks to people like Fugger, the city became the largest port in Europe in the 16th century. He was followed by a short speech by L. Van Looveren, a VOKA delegate, who stressed the importance of our port in the 21st century. Antwerp is and will remain the engine of Flanders, generating almost 200,000 jobs and a massive turnover.
After that the footprints of Jakob Fugger from Almadén (Spain), Sterzing (Italy), Augsburg (Germany) and Banská Bystrica (Slovakia) were presented by the partnerschools.

teacher of Mathmatics, Physics and Computer Science at Jakob-Fugger-Gymnasium Augsburg and project coordinator