Thanks to the impulse of the headmistress of the Jakob Fugger Grammar School in Augsburg, OStDin Angelika Felber, there is a sensation to report that familiarised the learners of the Erasmus project with the important work in the Princely and Count Fugger Family and Foundation Archives: the head of the archives, Dr Stefan Birkle, discovered an original document that proves that Jakob Fugger was actually present in Banská Bystrica on 26.01.1507 for the signing of the contract.
An annotated facsimile was handed over to the host school at the Fugger Forum during the project week in Banská Bystrica, making it the first institution to be in possession of the proof. The corresponding document was also documented in a way suitable for pupils. Until now, it was assumed in Slovakia that Jakob Fugger had never been there in person.
english translation of the original comments:

teacher of Mathmatics, Physics and Computer Science at Jakob-Fugger-Gymnasium Augsburg and project coordinator