As part of the Europe Weeks of the City of Augsburg, the big closing event of the Erasmus+ project on Jakob Fugger took place on 25 May 23 in the auditorium of the Jakob Fugger Gymnasium. As with the Fugger Forum in May 2022, two experts were again invited. Ms Sophie Dost, from the Fugger Foundations with the topic “Fuggerei NEXT500 – an impulse for the world” and Ms Katharina Dehner from the Fugger and Welser Erlebnismuseum with the lecture on the topic “Augsburg merchants as tenants of the mercury mines in Almadén – on the tracks of the Fuggers and Welsers in Spain”.
Afterwards, the pupils presented the project activities and results, delighting the classmates, parents, colleagues and many members of the school family present, as well as the project partners and some guests. During the thank-yous to the collaborating colleagues and the ceremonial handing over of the participation certificates and the Europass Mobility documents, it slowly became clear to all involved that the time with the Fugger project was slowly but surely coming to an end and with a tearful eye because of the farewell but also with a laughing eye because of the many new positive experiences and the many new European friendships made, it was then off to the buffet with food and drinks to celebrate the conclusion of this project in a fitting manner.

teacher of Mathmatics, Physics and Computer Science at Jakob-Fugger-Gymnasium Augsburg and project coordinator