“These are sample activities that gave me the chills and hope that your activity will spill over into the official standards of the founder, i.e. the City of Banská Bystrica – Department of Education.
And what is even more amazing, the exemplary start of local patriotism in children through the Moskovská Primary School. They started a project closely linked to the Copper House and the world history of Banská Bystrica, which can be a model for the municipality… Children have interest, enthusiasm, achievements. They work in the field, participate in exchange stays abroad. Under a great pedagogical team, we are growing a future here that will know its history and know how to use it for the future. The team exudes pride in their pupils. The linking of several subject units is exemplary. A model for coordinating town committees for specific projects. They do a commendable job of promoting our city abroad. And they’ve got more and more projects underway. With minimal financial requirements, a tremendous amount of “music” and real value.“ (on Facebook, by Tomáš Kliment, Medený hámor group).
On 12 June 2023 we were invited by the Banská Bystrica Culture Commission to present the results of our work on the Erasmus plus project “Jakob Fugger – Historical European Influencer”. The project team acquainted the members of the commission with the project activities that were carried out during the individual foreign mobility and student mobility in Banská Bystrica, as well as their thematic focus, and presented to the attendees the project and other planned activities in the next school year.

teacher (English, German) from Banská Bystrica (Slovakia)